Available courses

course logo 502Nutrition Basics for Better CACFP Menu Planning is a 1 hour online course with 5 activities. Participants will learn the importance of where the CACFP meal pattern comes from and how to incorporate basic nutrition into CACFP menu planning mastery. The CACFP Meal Service Training Grant (MSTG), United States Department of Agriculture, provides the funding for this online training course.

hcnp 612Course DescriptionThis course focuses on CACFP recordkeeping requirements At-Risk programs. The course addresses program eligibility, operational requirements, meal patterns, and miscellaneous recordkeeping requirements.

This course is designed for new and returning Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) sponsor staff, and will review the regulations and procedures of the SFSP.

Course DescriptionCACFP regulations require that all new and participating CACFP institutions meet and maintain compliance with the three Performance Standards; Financial Management and Viability, Administrative Capability, and Program Accountability. This course is designed to guide CACFP institutions to better understand the importance of the Performance Standards, the reason that they were developed, and the criteria used to determine compliance. 

Course Description: This course is designed for returning Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) sponsor staff.  It will review the regulations and procedures of the CACFP and assist sponsors with regulatory compliance.

Course Description: Program institutions and facilities receiving federal financial assistance are required to comply with federal civil rights laws to ensure all Child Nutrition participants have equal access to all benefits and services.  This course will review Civil Rights regulations, and provide all information necessary to ensure that your program is in compliance with these requirements.

The CACFP New Sponsor Training is a 5 hour comprehensive online course designed to provide initial training for those who are new to the CACFP or for participating sponsors with new staff. The training includes important topics such as Civil Rights, Meal Service Planning, Recordkeeping, Financial Management, Documentation, and Responsibilities, Maintaining a Nonprofit Food Service Program and Program Oversight. 

hcnp 612Course Description: This course focuses on CACFP recordkeeping requirements for Adult Day Care programs. The course addresses program eligibility, operational requirements, enrollment, participant eligibility, meal pattern flexibilities, and miscellaneous recordkeeping requirements.

hcnp 612Course Description: This course focuses on CACFP recordkeeping requirements for Outside School Hours Care Centers. The course addresses program eligibility, operational requirements, participant eligibility, and miscellaneous recordkeeping requirements.

HCNP 611Course DescriptionThis course focuses on CACFP recordkeeping for Child Care, Head Start, and Pre-K Counts programs. The course addresses program eligibility, operational requirements, enrollment, participant eligibility, and miscellaneous recordkeeping requirements. 

logo 505A CACFP Meal Pattern Guide is a 1 hour online course with 11 activities. Participants will learn about tools to guide them to determine if a food is creditable to the CACFP meal pattern, and how much they need to serve for each age group to be in compliance. The CACFP Meal Service Training Grant (MSTG), United States Department of Agriculture, provides the funding for this online training course.

mde 610Course DescriptionAll CACFP sponsors must maintain a nonprofit food service program. This course includes two lessons that cover the evaluation of program revenue and expenses, financial recordkeeping and controls, and expectations with operating a nonprofit CACFP.

Course Description: Meal Benefit Forms (MBFs) are required to determine the free, reduced-price, and paid eligibility categories for CACFP participants. This course reviews MBF requirements, demonstrates determining income eligibility, and discusses annual update requirements.

hcnp 614Course Description: This course focuses on general CACFP recordkeeping requirements in lesson 1. In lesson 2 recordkeeping for Emergency Shelters will be discussed. The course addresses program eligibility, operational requirements, enrollment, participant eligibility, and miscellaneous recordkeeping requirements.

logo 516Healthy Food Preparation Techniques and CACFP Menu Planning is a 1 hour online course with 4 activities. Participants learn how to prepare food in a healthy way while building lifelong and healthy eating habits for children and to help adults maintain optimal nutrition.  The CACFP Meal Service Training Grant (MSTG), United States Department of Agriculture, provides the funding for this online training course.

logo 515All Aboard the Whole Grain Express! is a 1 hour online course with 14 activities. Participants will learn where whole grains come from, how to incorporate them into their menu’s, and best practices for the preparation methods. The CACFP Meal Service Training Grant (MSTG), United States Department of Agriculture, provides the funding for this online training course.

logo 514Family style meal service has the opportunity to teach children so much more than just how to eat. Learn the benefits of family style meal service, best practices to incorporate it into your meal service option, and what you must do to maintain CACFP Compliance. In addition, participants will learn best practices for conversations starters around the meal table, how to encourage staff to role model positive eating behaviors, and what equipment is need for family style meal service success.

logo 506A CACFP Infant Meal Pattern Guide is a 1 hour online course with 7 activities. Participants will learn about tools to guide them to determine if an infant food is creditable to the CACFP infant meal pattern, and what and how much they need to serve to be in compliance. The CACFP Meal Service Training Grant (MSTG), United States Department of Agriculture, provides the funding for this online training course.

This course is designed for experienced and successful returning Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) sponsors, and will review the essential regulations and procedures of the SFSP.